BIM | Bachelor of Information Management

About This Course

The main aim of Bachelor of Information Management(BIM) program is to impart quality education in both management & information technology(IT) which prepares the young minds to face the challenges posed by the increasing information technology. The main objective of the program are to produce a well capable human resources who can work in both IT & Management field.

Develop student's skill in software design method and data management systems. Provide students adequate knowledge and skill in information Management and groom them as IT prefessionals who can adapt to the demands of 21st century management system in a modern organizational environment. Pave ways for the students desirous of pursing post graduate level study in information management with in and outside the country.

Course Curriculum

First Semester Credit Hours
ENG 201 English-I 3
IT 211 Computer Information System 3
IT 212 Digital Logic Design 3
MGT 201 Principles of Management 3
MTH 201 Basic Mathematics 3
Total 15
Second Semester Credit Hours
IT 213 Structured Programming 3
IT 214 Data Communication and Computer Network 3
MGT 204 Business Communications 3
MTH 202 Discrete Mathematics 3
SOC 201 Sociology for Business 3
Total 15
Third Semester Credit Hours
ACC 202 Financial Accounting 3
IT 215 Web Technology-I 3
IT 216 Java Programming-I 3
IT 217 Computer Organization 3
STT 201 Business Statistics 3
Total 15
Fourth Semester Credit Hours
ACC 202 Cost and Management Accounting 3
ECO 201 Microeconomics 3
IT 218 Data Structure and Algorithm with Java 3
IT 219 Web Technology-II 3
IT 220 Database Management System 3
Total 15
Fifth Semester Credit Hours
ECO 202 Macroeconomics 3
IT 221 Computer Graphics 3
IT 222 Java Programming-II 3
IT 223 Advanced Internet Working 3
MKT 201 Fundamentals of Marketing 3
Total 15
Sixth Semester Credit Hours
FIN 201 Business Finance 3
IT 224 Software Engineering 3
IT 225 Computer Security and Cyber Law 3
IT 351 Summer Project 3
MGT 202 Human Resource Management 3
MGT 206 Business Environment in Nepal 3
Total 18
Seventh Semester Credit Hours
IT 226 Management Information System 3
IT 227 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3
IT 228 Artificial Intelligence 3
MGT 203 Organizational Behavior 3
MGT 205 Operations Management 3
MGT 208 Business Strategy 3
Total 18
Eight Semester Credit Hours
IT 229 IT Entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management 3
IT 230 Economics of Information and Communication 3
Elective I 3
Elective I 3
IT 350 Internship 3
Total 15
Electives Credit Hours
IT 305 Object Oriented Database Management 3
IT 306 Software Project Management 3
IT 307 Operating Systems 3
IT 308 Data Mining and Data Warehousing 3
IT 309 Client Server Computing 3

Eligibility for Admission:

Candidates applying for admission to the Bachelor of Information Management (BIM) program with Tribhuvan University should abide by the following procedures:

  • Candidates are required to have finished their Plus 2 or an equivalent level from any university or board acknowledged by TU.
  • Candidates who wish to pursue BIM should at least secure a second division at the +2 level or its equivalent. However, it is observed that colleges prefer enrolling students who have achieved a first division.
  • They must follow all the application procedures and guidelines required for the entrance examination